Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Generating random passwords with PowerShell, rehash

In the recent password issue with LinkedIn.  The ArsTechnica report really makes it is evident that passwords alone are not enough.  DarkReading also has a good story on this.

Even passwords believed to be secure were hacked within hours or a day or two.  It is simply an issue of computing power.  Contrast that against what the human brain can memorize in regards to complex passwords. 

I was (and still am) a proponent of pass phrases as you could make a longer password and substitute characters and it was easier to remember.  But alas, it is just a password – and that must be recognized.

It is obvious that two-factor is the real way to go.  As Coding Horror elaborated on a while back, and I implemented after there was an attempt to hack my Facebook account (thank you for login alerts).  You know, it really isn’t that big of an inconvenience or problem.

But, I digress.

So, to blog a bit more about using PowerShell to do useful things – like generating a password string.

You can find all kinds of references to doing this.  Go search and pick your favorite:


From that, I chose two.  I quick one liner, and a more complex script.

From PowerShell.com there are a few Generate Random Password Power Tips.  It is obviously a popular topic.

The first:

function Get-RandomPassword {
        $length = 10,
        $characters =

    # select random characters
    $random = 1..$length | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length }
    # output random pwd
    $private:ofs = ""

The second:

-join ([Char[]]'abcdefgABCDEFG0123456&%$' | Get-Random -count 20)

That one is pretty good if you just want to generate a password on the fly within a script.

The third:

function Get-RandomPassword {
        $length = 11,
        $characters = 'abcdefghkmnprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ123456789!"§$%&/()=?*+#_'
    # select random characters
    $random = 1..$length | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length }
    # output random pwd
    $private:ofs = ""

function Randomize-Text {
    $anzahl = $text.length -1
    $indizes = Get-Random -InputObject (0..$anzahl) -Count $anzahl
    $private:ofs = ''

function Get-ComplexPassword {
    $password = Get-RandomPassword -length 6 -characters 'abcdefghiklmnprstuvwxyz'
    $password += Get-RandomPassword -length 2 -characters '#*+)'
    $password += Get-RandomPassword -length 2 -characters '123456789'
    $password += Get-RandomPassword -length 4 -characters 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ'
    Randomize-Text $password

This last one enforces password policy by guaranteeing a count of specific character types.  Why they left out ‘0’ I don’t know.  Also notice that the calls to Get-RandomPassword at the end constrains the special characters that are used / returned.  So if you have a web site that can’t handle special characters or it cannot handle specific ones you can constrain that here. 

I also found the blog of Erwin Wendland and his Create-RandomPassword Function for creating strong passwords.  This last one I would call a bit more like C#.

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