Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The IP the NIC on a particular domain or address space

I have this VM.  This VM has multiple interfaces.  One interface is _the_ management interface and it is the one that the VM used when it joined my domain.

I want to discover this NIC.  I then want its IP address so I can embed that into a configuration file.

The initial list of questions that I began with were:

  • Am I domain joined?  If so, what domain?
  • What network connection reports that domain?
  • What NIC is that?
  • What is the IPv4 address on that NIC?

I have discovered that there are multiple ways to handle this.

First of all, asking the questions; Am I joined and what domain am I joined to.

$env:USERDNSDOMAIN or Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | select domain

Both give you results, but different objects back.

BRIANEH.LOCAL (a string) vs.

domain                (a portion of a WMI object)                                                                                                


Now, lets look at the question of what NIC is on what domain or connected to any domain.  If you only have one NIC connected to any domain (or that can resolve any domain) you can probably simplify this to:

Get-NetConnectionProfile | where {$_.NetworkCategory -eq "DomainAuthenticated" }

The alternate to that is to be more verbose (or precise if you like).

Get-NetConnectionProfile | where { $_.Name -eq $env:USERDNSDOMAIN }

What you get back is a Connection Profile object.  And to some this looks familiar, you know that status that you see on the network icon in your system tray?  The one that says if you have internet connectivity, or what DNS domain is discovered?  This is the information behind that.

I have two and they look like this:

Name             : Unidentified network
InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet 2
InterfaceIndex   : 13
NetworkCategory  : Public
IPv4Connectivity : LocalNetwork
IPv6Connectivity : LocalNetwork

Name             : brianeh.local
InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet
InterfaceIndex   : 12
NetworkCategory  : DomainAuthenticated
IPv4Connectivity : Internet
IPv6Connectivity : LocalNetwork

In the example I went straight to the selection of the desired one.

Now, how do I get to the IP you might wonder.  One more step.

Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $netProfile.InterfaceIndex -AddressFamily IPv4

Again, I went straight to the IPv4 filter.  I used the Network Profile object captured as $netProfile and its InterfaceIndex property.  But, as you play with the Network IP Address object you will see that it can be selected multiple ways.

And if you only want the IP address itself, take that Network IP Address object and select only the IPv4Address property.


And there you have it.  Now, off to building my configuration file…

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