Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A reason to use state with Octoblu

I have been posting an 8 part series going though some advanced use of Octoblu.

Part 1: Use configuration events in Octoblu
Part 2: Creating custom devices in Octoblu
Part 3: Setting the state of an Octoblu device from a flow
Part 4: Listening to and acting on device state change in Octoblu
Part 5: Breaking values into new keys with a function node
Part 6: Reformatting nested JSON with JavaScript
Part 7: Logical data nesting with your Octoblu state device
Part 8:

Back at the beginning I introduced the concept of a state device.

Now, if you aren't yet understanding why I might introduce a state device, consider this:

Have you ever found yourself using SetKey and GetKey within flows to persist data, even if only for a little while?

Have you ever run into complex timing issues where you would love to break something into multiple flows and instead end up with one huge complex one?

This is where the state device is an easy fit.  Persist your data, in a common object that you can reference between flows.

Then, instead of relying on some message chugging through the system, you act upon a change to your state device.  So you could dev null some message, perform no update and exit your logic stream.

In the example I have been laying out I have two primary scenarios: 

Scenario 1: there are multiple incoming data sources
I have multiple devices that are all similar and they are feeding in data that I need to evaluate in a common way.  Each flow can update my state device independently, and then I simply have one evaluation flow to determine if I am going to send out my alert.

Scenario 2: there are multiple data listener paths
Just the opposite.  I have one primary input data source, it is big and complex.
Then I have multiple flows, each of which evaluates a specific type of data or specific properties.

Either way, it allows me to compartmentalize my flow logic and reduce / remove redundancy across the system.

So I end up with something like this:
Combined with this:
To do what I was doing in the first screenshot.

The big upside for me is that I removed all of the hardcoded naming filtering that I started with in order to persist the data.
The flows are now able to be more dynamic and handle the same sets of data no matter if it was mine, or someone else's.

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